Friday, May 18, 2007

Setting the Stage

Christian scholars agree that God spent all of human history up to the birth of Christ preparing for that exact moment when a young Jewish girl would speak her acquiescence to the will of God with a humble "behold the handmaid of the Lord." Nations were brought low, and nations were raised up to provide the propitious circumstances for the birth of the son of Mary and the Son of God in long ago Bethlehem.

The notion of a single deity was remarkable in the setting to which Christ was introduced. God's chosen people were surrounded by polytheistic cultures rife with blood rituals that sometimes included human sacrifices. In the midst of this, God presented a clear message: Hear O Israel; The Lord your God, the Lord is one. Whenever there was an attempt to integrate foreign gods, the prophets responded with rebuke and the reminder that there was only one God who had chosen and delivered them. How on earth then did we get to the bizarre Christian doctrine of the Trinity?

Given the difficulties in understanding and communicating the concept of the Trinity, perhaps it is best put aside as too mysterious and indefensible. This would deny the value of the meticulous groundwork that is laid in history and in scripture for this surprising doctrine. If there is any one defining characteristic of historical and present day Judaism, it is monotheism. The Shema Yisrael proclaims in no uncertain terms, Hear, O Israel, the Lord your God, the Lord is one. This is the key distinction that set ancient Israel at odds with its neighbours and put the "chosen" in the "chosen people."

If there are a multitude of gods, then surely there are enough to go around: one for you, one for me, and one for those crazy Philistines that live down the road. If, however, there is only one God, we had better be sure to be on his or her side when the going gets tough. Israel was on the Lord’s side, and paid the price dearly when she strayed.

Into this strict setting, Christ was born. We must conclude then, that he is nothing other than a remarkable man, or that he is truly God incarnate. There is no room here for a demi-god.


Welcome to Triessence

This blog will explore the triune nature of God and the individual.

About Me

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Founder of Nallenart and author of L'Art de lire, a French as a Second Language program for homeschooling and classroom instruction. In addition to homeschooling her three children, Norma taught French in the classroom, and online. She has offered seminars to homeschoolers and classroom teachers. Since 1991, Norma has taught guitar at Still River Studio.

Her abiding passion, however, has been learning about how God has reached out to relate to us, his creation. She enjoys reading, meditating, and formal study of the Bible, theology, religion of all kinds, philosophy, and the psychology of being human. Norma has taught on these various issues in a number of settings from informal coffee houses to church Bible studies, and in the classroom. You are invited to join in the dialogue at

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